
Examining Plot Structures

The Age of Adaline Exposition: The film begins with the introduction of the protagonist who is Adaline, a woman who had a family made up of her husband and her daughter Fleeming, but one day her husband died. Later, Adaline suffers a car accident and dies, but after a storm, lightning strikes her car and revives her. This caused the protagonist to no longer age and not lead the typical human life cycle, so that over the years she continued with the same physical appearance of 29 years while everyone around her aged, including her daughter. This caused her to live during different times and meet different friends, partners, etc. But she always moved since no one could discover her situation other than her daughter. Rising Action:  After many years, Adeline at a New Years party, meets a man in an elevator (Ellis), who tries to make her fall in love throughout the movie. Adeline at first refused to establish a serious relationship, but after several dates and moments with Ellis she f...

Practicing Zuihitsu

  1. Things that are frightening: Some things that I consider scary  are,  for  example,  spiders, since when I was a child there were always spiders in my room and one day one of those spiders was on my leg and it scared me a lot. Another thing that scares me is the darkness, because when there is no  light,  I am afraid that something or someone is behind me. On the other hand, I am also afraid of death or the future, since  they  are unknown aspects of  life,  so they give me a lot of anxiety about not knowing when or what to expect. I am also very afraid of the hours of 3:00-4:00 am, since  they  are hours that can be related to paranormal situations, and they always give me terrifying forebodings. Finally, another of the things that terrify me are dolls or toys with sounds or music, I consider that music very scary and it makes me feel uncomfortable.       2. Things that are beautiful: The things that...

The Hero's Journey

"Hacksaw Ridge" 1. The hero:  The hero of this movie is called Desmond Doss, who was a faithful Christian and managed his life according to religion or the 10 commandments. He came from a family where his father was a violent and alcoholic figure due to certain traumas after having taken part in the war. He was a humble, caring and deeply passionate person. He used to help his family and he had a brother who he accidentally hurt after a fight, so he was traumatized and swore never to carry or use weapons. He was a simple and very romantic man. He loved the forest and being in contact with nature.  2.The call to adventure:  One day Desmond felt the need to enlist for WWII as a paramedic, because he decided never to use or touch a weapon ever. His parents did not agree but he did not care since he felt that it was a duty imposed by God to help people. He believed that it was unfair to be in his town while other friends or young people sacrificed their lives for the country....

Character Archetypes

Avatar:The Last Airbender The TV show that I chose is "Avatar: The Last Airbender". So I will explain more about the archetypes characters and their characteristics.  The hero archetype (Aang): This character is a young man who used to live with monks from the South Air Temple, so he has no hair and had a blue arrow on his head that was the symbol of the air masters. He is a character that  stands for  the "avatar" who was the most powerful being on earth who would keep the peace of the 4 Nations and dominate the 4 elements that were water, air, fire, and earth. He, along with his friends, embarks on a journey in search of learning the elements since he only knew how to be an  airbender  and restore peace to the world. He also had the purpose of defeating the fire nation and killing the villain who was the king of that nation.   The villain archetype (Lord Ozai): The villain of this TV show was  Ozai . He is the most powerful firebender of all. He is t...